Michael and Casey Attorneys at Law

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Michael and Casey Attorneys at Law



Visitation and child custody are often the immediate concerns of family members. Whether the family members has concerns due to internal family matters or DCS involvement, it is important to try and be as clear headed as possible during these times, as they are often the most emotionally difficult. When the court is determining the child custody and visitation arrangements, it strives to reach a finding in “the best interests of the child.” Best interests gives the court wide discretion. Often, the court’s decision will be based on consideration of the wishes of the parents, the wishes of the minor child, and the child’s relationship with each of their parents, their siblings. Also, an experienced judge will always consider the emotional and physical well-being of the child.

In non-DCS matters custody is discussed in terms of legal decision making and parenting time. The difference between the two is complex but it can be best broken down into who makes the decisions regarding medical care and education and how often the child is with each parent.​

CustodyOften a parents may feel like they need to file for emergency temporary custody to protect their child. Such matters require prompt action filing a motion with the appropriate court.

Like other aspects of child welfare law, the field is littered with emotional and legal landmines that can quickly complicate your case. It is imperative to consult with experienced attorneys that will fight for you and your family. Please contact us today for more information.





One thing we can all be sure of: every child deserves a loving home. Guardianship and Adoptions are designed to guarantee a child’s access to a safe and healthy environment where they will be allowed to grow and flourish.

Adoption is the process by which an adult formally and legally takes responsibility for a child that is not biologically their own. When a person adopts a child they become the legal parent. Often it is a stepparent or foster placement who is stepping forward saying “now let’s make this official.” ​

When seeking an adoption, the first step in the process is usually the termination of the parental rights of the child’s birth parents. This termination of parental rights must usually.

Adoption is a very complicated process that can involve numerous individuals and agencies. It is of paramount importance when considering adoption to consult with an experienced lawyer to make sure everything is accounted for and that you and your family are taken care of. The assistance of a seasoned adoption attorney will greatly increase the successful chances of adoption, as well as induce the confidence of the court in the safety and welfare of the adopted child.

The attorneys at Michael & Casey have handled hundreds of Guardianship and Adoption cases. Our team prides ourselves in the compassion and guidance we’ve provided families over the years and the countless families and communities we’ve helped create.

If you are considering adoption, please contact us for more information today.

Michael And Casey Attorneys At Law

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(623) 251-6428